Epstein-Barr Test Panel
Epstein-Barr Test Panel
The Epstein-Barr test panel measures EBV blood antibody levels.
Epstein-Barr Test Panel FAQ
What is the Epstein-Barr test?
Why is the Epstein-Barr test important?
What type of specimen will I submit?
Do I need to fast to take this test?
How long does it take to get test results?
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Epstein-Barr Test Panel for $159
EBV Blood Test - More Information
The EBV test, also known as an Epstein-Barr test, Epstein-Barr virus test and EBV lab test, measures EBV antibody blood levels.
The Epstein-Barr virus, or EBV, causes an illness known as infectious mononucleosis (mono). Also called human herpesvirus 4 (HHV-4), EBV is spread through contamination from the droplets of someone with an EBV infection and through sexual activity. Symptoms of an EBV infection include feeling tired, swollen / painful glands and lymph nodes and a fever.
This Epstein-Barr test is sometimes used as a more conclusive confirmatory test for people who get the mono test and want added confirmation. According to the CDC, approximately 90% of adults who get an EBV blood test will have positive antibodies that demonstrate a past or current infection and, as such, positive lab results should be correlated with clinical symptoms.
This particular EBV lab test panel measures antibody blood levels for EBV Viral Capsid Ag IgG (VCA Ab IgG), EBV Viral Capsid Ag IgM (VCA IgM Ab), and EBV Nuclear Ag IgG (EBNA IgG). The The VCA IgG antibodies are typically present at the start of an EBV infection and persist for the rest of one's life. The VCA IgM antibodies are also typically present at the onset of a new EBV infection and then are undetectable within three months of the start of the infection. The EBV EBNA IgG antibodies usually show up three months after the start of an infection and are present for life. As a result, each antibody component of this EBV test panel provides helpful information as far as evaluating both the presence and stage of an Epstein-Barr virus infection in a particular individual.
To get an EBV test near you at a Quest Diagnostics lab, order online and get blood drawn at the selected lab. Once the EBV lab report is ready, it will be available for download. As can be seen on the sample EBV lab test report provided above, the EBV antibody levels are reported as a numerical result and can be compared against the reference ranges provided by the lab for easier interpretation.
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