GGT Test
GGT Test
The GGT test measures the GGT blood level.
What is a GGT Test?
Why is a GGT test important?
What type of specimen will I submit?
Do I need to fast to take this test?
How long does it take to get test results?
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GGT Test for $54
GGT Blood Test - More Information
The GGT test, also known as a GGT blood test, GGT lab test, and gamma-glutamyl transferase test, measures the GGT blood level of GGT.
GGT is used to help screen for liver health and look for problems with the bile ducts. GGT is a type of enzyme found throughout the body but primarily in the liver. It is involved with several metabolic processes and elevated levels are typically found when liver disease is present. GGT is often ordered as the same time as or after an elevated alkaline phosphatase test to see if elevated alkaline phosphatase levels are associated with the liver or the bone. Additionally, GGT blood levels tend to be elevated after drinking alcohol or using certain types of medications and there may be some correlation between elevated GGT lab test results and blood vessel disease.
To get a GGT test near you, just order online and get your blood drawn at Quest Diagnostics. Once your GGT lab report is ready, the results will be available for download. As can be seen on the sample GGT lab report, the GGT blood levels will be reported as a number which can be compared against the reference range provided by the lab.
GGT is not a part of the LFTs blood test and is sometimes order with that panel.
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