Ovulation Test Panel
Ovulation Test Panel
The ovulation test panel checks the FSH and LH blood levels.
Ovulation Test Panel FAQ
What is the ovulation blood test panel?
Why is an ovulation test panel important?
What type of specimen will I submit?
Do I need to fast to take this test?
How long does it take to get test results?
Accesa Labs does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All users should consult with a medical provider for specific health concerns.
Ovulation Test Panel for $90
Ovulation Blood Test - More Information
The ovulation test panel, also known as an ovulation lab test and an ovulation blood test, measures levels of blood markers important for ovulation. Specifically, this ovulation blood test panel measures the FSH test and the LH test.
In a woman, ovulation is the process by which her ovaries release eggs during the menstrual cycle. The event of ovulation occurs after the follicular phase of the cycle, during which follicles in the ovaries mature to prepare for release of an egg. Ovulation is triggered by two major sex hormones - follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). During ovulation, many women experience changes in the basal body temperature, heightened libido, improved smell and changes in the mucus around the cervix.
Trouble getting pregnant occurs when ovulation is irregular (oligoovulation) or absent (anovulation). There a number of reasons either could occur and the ovulation blood test panel can be a helpful initial screening test to confirm that FSH and LH blood levels are normal before pursuing additional evaluation.
To get an ovulation blood test near you, just place your order online and get tested at the Quest Diagnostics lab that you chose. You will be notified when you ovulation lab report is available for download. As demonstrated on the sample ovulation test panel report, the components of this panel are reported as numerical values and can be compared against the reference ranges provided by the lab.
Women looking for additional details regarding their ovulatory health frequently order the estradiol test and the progesterone test with this ovulation blood test panel.
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