Weight Gain Test Panel
Weight Gain Test Panel
The weight gain test panel checks lab tests that might be related to abnormal weight gain.
Weight Gain Test Panel FAQ
What is in the weight gain test panel?
Why are markers in the weight gain blood test panel important?
What type of specimen will I submit?
Do I need to fast to take this test?
How long does it take to get test results?
Accesa Labs does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All users should consult with a medical provider for specific health concerns.
Weight Gain Test Panel for $479
Weight Gain Blood Test - More Information
The weight gain test panel, also known as a weight gain lab test panel, weight gain blood test, and blood test for unexplained weight gain, checks blood tests that might identify causes of abnormal weight gain. This weight gain blood test panel includes the CBC blood test, CMP blood test, cortisol test, DHEA test, estradiol test, hemoglobin A1c test, insulin test, SHBG test, testosterone total and free test, TSH test, vitamin B12 test, and vitamin D test.
Abnormal weight gain is a cause of stress and concern for many people. While some causes of weight gain are obvious (e.g. eating too much), unexplained weight gain can be caused by a number of biological issues that can be managed or even treated. Lifestyle causes of abnormal weight gain include lack of sleep, stress and depression. From a lab testing perspective, abnormal weight gain can be the result of low thyroid function, insulin resistance, vitamin deficiencies, and other causes. This weight gain test panel checks for a number of blood test markers related to those conditions in addition to providing general wellness screening that might identify other rarer abnormalities.
To get a weight gain test panel near you, simply order online and get tested at the Quest Diagnostics lab you selected. Once your weight gain lab results are ready, they will be available for electronic download. On the weight gain lab report, the lab markers tested will be reported along with a reference range provided by the lab for comparison.
- A doctor's lab order*
- 24 / 7 order processing
- Access to 1000+ labs
- All lab test fees
- A PDF copy of your test results
- Responsive customer service